Hi All,
is there any bapi to update "Delivery Completed" flag under goods receipt tab in Production Order?
i have tried "BAPI_PROCORDCONF_CREATE_TT " but the value is not getting updated and i got the message in details table as "Confirmation of order (order no) saved"
i have passed values to below fields in respective table in bapi call,
TIMETICKETS => Order number (AUFNR), Operation (AFVC-VORNR),Plant, Posting Date
GOODSMOVEMENTS => Material, Plant, Stor.loc, Movement type(AUFM-BWART), No_more_gr (Delivery Completed flag), entry_qty = 0.
should i need to pass any other field value to make this work?
Please help me to find any FM or bapi for this update process.
Ranjani Sekar.